Most common holidays for drunk driving

Most common holidays for drunk driving

There is never a good time for drinking and driving. Intoxicated revelers are more likely to get behind the wheel during certain holidays.

The danger presented by motor vehicle operators under the influence is vast. It behooves everyone to be especially aware of tipsy motorists during celebrations.

Holidays when drunk driving is most likely

Proud Americans love to imbibe during The Fourth of July. A party atmosphere encourages citizens to consume too many lagers before driving off. The color red should always stay on the flag, away from the highway.

Thanksgiving is a time for reconnecting with family. This can be as pleasurable as it is stressful. Some rely on alcohol to relieve the tension. If an argument erupts, a drunk relative might decide to head out.

Then comes the New Year. Celebrating calendar changes has been a tradition for thousands of years. Today, toasting champagne is synonymous with counting down to midnight. Imbibing partiers may be unable to resist the temptation of sleeping at home. Too much revelry makes caving to this thought unwise.

Self-protection during holidays when drunk driving is most likely

Do your part to reduce the odds of an intoxicated partier harming you. Never get in a car that has a boozy operator. Most drunk driving accidents happen between midnight and 3 a.m., so avoid the road between those hours. If you spot a car whose driver seems less than sober, maintain distance and call the police.

Being hit by a drunk driver can be tragic. Avoid this scenario altogether by remaining alert during times with the greatest peril.

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